2022 Thankfulness Challenge

2022 Thankfulness Challenge

Posted by BAS | Aircraft Salvage on Nov 9th 2022

Around here, we are thankful every day for so many wonderful things in life.

BAS Part Sales has grown immensly over the last 10 years, revolutionizing the aircraft salvage business in the process. As we reflect on our success, and the hard work that got us here, we find so many things to be thankful for.

We're thankful for our customers.

We're thankful that we get to come to work every day and enjoy our jobs and our work life.

We're thankful for the challenges the aircraft salvage business brings as that gives us an opportunity to grow personally and professionally.

We're thankful to work in such an interesting and ever-changing field that keeps us on our toes and always learning something new.

We're thankful for our good health and our freedom.

We're thankful for the love and support of our family and friends.

We want to know what you are thankful for!

We put together a little video to share what we're individually thankful for with you, our favorite customers.

Our team wants to challenge you! We want to know what you are thankful for.

The BAS Thankfulness Challenge 2022. Tell us what you are thankful for.

Submit your story using the form below and you could win a $100 Amazon Gift Card just in time for the holidays.

Tell us what you are thankful for in 2022 in a video, or in pictures with your word story attached.

Video is best!

Record yourself telling us your Thankfulness story and attach to the form below. You can visit this page from your phone and upload directly from your video album.

Pictures work too!

Send us pictures of your thankfulness story and use the form below to tell us what your thankful for and why.

We will update this blog post along the way and share some of your stories.